Evernode CLI

You can use the Evernode CLI to manage and monitor your Evernode host.

  • evernode status - Display your current registration status and Ever balance in your account.

  • evernode list - Display a list of smart contracts running on your host.

  • evernode log - Generate Evernode log file. Requires sudo.

  • evernode transfer - Initiates a transfer so you can move to a new host/account or reinstall on the same host/account without having to pay the registration fee again.

  • evernode applyssl <private key file> <cert file> <ca bundle file> - Apply your own SSL certificates for contracts. This is not needed if you opted-in for Let’s Encrypt SSL during installation. Requires sudo.

    • <private key file>: Path to the TLS private key file.

    • <cert file>: Path to the TLS cert file (public key).

    • <ca bundle file>: Path to the TLS certificate authority file.

  • evernode config <type> <arguments (optional)> - View and update host configuration. Requires sudo.

    • <type> must be one of the configuration types: resources, leaseamt, rippled.

    • If you don’t specify any arguments, it will print the current configuration value.

    • evernode config resources <ram> <swap> <disk> <Instance count>: Configure hardware resource allocation for contracts.

      • <ram>: Total RAM to use for contracts in MegaBytes.

      • <swap>: Total Swap to use for contracts in MegaBytes.

      • <disk>: Total Disk space to use for contracts in MegaBytes.

      • <instance count>: Maximum number of contract instances that can be leased. Hardware resources will be evenly distributed between contract instances.

    • evernode config leaseamt <lease amount>

      • <lease amount>: Per Moment per contract lease amount to charge in Evers (EVR).

    • evernode config xahaud <server url>

      • <server url>: Xahaud server websocket url (wss://) you want to use to interact with Xahau.

    • evernode config xahaud-fallback <server url>

      • <server url>: Comma separated list of Xahaud fallback server websocket URLs (wss://).

    • evernode config email <email address>

      • <email address>: Contact email address for the host (this will be published on the host registry and is publicly visible to anyone).

    • evernode config extrafee <fee>

      • <fee>: Affordable extra transaction fee amount in XAH Drops.

    • evernode config instance ipv6

      • ipv6 address will be asked as a user input.

  • evernode governance <operation type> <arguments (optional)> - Manages the governance candidates related to the host.

    • <operation type> must be one of the operation types: propose, withdraw, vote, unvote, status, report and help.

    • propose, withdraw, vote, unvote and report operations require sudo.

    • withdraw, vote, and unvote operations apply to both new hook and dud host candidate types.

    • Use the propose operation to propose new hook candidates and the report operation to propose dud host candidates.

    • evernode governance propose <hash file> <short name> - Propose a new hook candidate.

      • <hash file>: Text file with the combined hashes of proposing hooks (<governor hook><registry hook><heartbeat hook><reputation hook>).

    • evernode governance withdraw <candidate id> - Withdraw proposed governance candidate.

    • evernode governance vote <candidate id> - Vote for a governance candidate.

    • evernode governance unvote <candidate id> - Remove vote from voted governance candidate.

    • evernode governance status - Get governance information of the host.

      • This also helps to find proposed and voted candidate ids by the host.

    • evernode governance report <dud host address> - Propose a dud host candidate using its Xahau account address.

    • evernode governance help - Print the command information.

  • evernode delete <instance name> - Remove an existing smart contract instance and cancel the lease. Any payments made for lost lease duration are not refunded.

    • <instance name>: Name of the smart contract instance to be deleted. Use evernode list to find out the instance name.

  • evernode update - Apply Evernode software updates. Requires sudo.

  • evernode regkey <operation type> - Manages the Regular Key of the host’s Xahau account.

    • <operation type> must be either set or delete. Both of these operations require sudo.

    • evernode regkey set <regular key>: Assigns or updates the regular key associated with your host’s Xahau account address.

      • <regular key>: The Xahau address that indicates the regular key pair to be assigned to the host Xahau account.

    • evernode regkey delete: Deletes the regular key associated with your host’s Xahau account address.

  • evernode offerlease - Create Lease offers for the instances. Requires sudo.

  • evernode reputationd <operation type> - Manages the Evernode ReputationD for reward distribution.

    • <operation type> must be opt-in, opt-out or status. All of these operations require sudo.

    • evernode reputationd opt-in: Opt in to the Evernode reputation for reward distribution.

    • evernode reputationd opt-out: Opt out from the Evernode reputation for reward distribution.

    • evernode reputationd status: Check the status of Evernode reputation for reward distribution.

  • evernode uninstall - Uninstall and deregister from Evernode. Requires sudo.

  • sashi - Sashimono CLI for advanced operations and monitoring. Use sashi -h for help.